The Individual Heart Health Program is delivered via phone or email correspondence over a 12-month period with participants having their program and health education modules tailored to meet their general health and fitness goals. This delivery allows the program to be flexible and can be delivered to any eligible participant regardless of their location, if they are still working, studying, or retired.
Each participant receives 12 months of healthy lifestyle coaching from a highly qualified and dedicated allied health professional via fortnightly health coaching calls with information and advice tailored to your health and fitness goals.
The Health Coach
The Health Coach will use their extensive knowledge along with program health surveys and food diaries to guide you through the program and towards healthy lifestyle habits you can manage for years to come. The Individual Heart Health Program provides you with more flexible access to information and health resources and gives the tools needed to improve your physical health and ultimately, to enjoy a healthier and happier life.
The Individual Program includes:

Fortnightly Coaching Sessions via phone or email correspondence with a Health Coach who is a specially trained allied health professional with an understanding of the veteran experience.

Personalised Exercise Resource which may include assistance with the cost of a gym or pool membership or a small piece of exercise equipment for use at home or help accessing new exercise or training gear.

Monthly Health Education Modules on topics such as setting healthy goals, nutrition and healthy eating, physical activity, chronic conditions, quitting smoking, responsible alcohol consumption, back care, sleep, stress management and maintaining a healthy heart.

Participant Manual with 12 health education modules containing useful material and information to use for your learning during the program and as a reference after you have completed the program.

Custom Food Diary reviews and recommendations provided by a Nutritionist at various stages throughout the program with useful tips and ideas for improving your diet to assist in achieving your health goals.

Achievement Certificate and Report is awarded once you have successfully completed the program and all requirements at 12 months.

Continued program support provided by the program’s providers, Corporate Health Management, and our dedicated team working to make your time in the program as beneficial as possible.
For more information on the Group program and how you might get involved or if you and your mates would like to learn how to get a group program started, please call CHM on 1300 246 262 or email hearthealth@chm.com.au
The Heart Health Program is open to all veterans with operational service, peacekeepers or those covered under the ADF firefighter Scheme and who have not previously participated in a Heart Health Program. All participants require a program medical clearance form to be completed by their GP before beginning.