Eligibility Questionnaire

Have you participated in the Heart Health program before?

Only answer this question if you responded ‘Yes’ to the previous question: Did you participate in the Heart Health program in or before 2019?

Are you an Australian Defence Force (ADF) Veteran?

Did you serve overseas on operational service or on a peacekeeping mission or are covered by the ADF Firefighters Scheme?

In which country was your operational service or peacekeeping mission or in which year did you participated in fire suppression training at Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) Base Point Cook?

In what year did you begin your operational service or peacekeeping mission?

In what year did your operational service or peacekeeping mission cease?

How did you hear about the Heart Health Program?

Fill in your details below and press the button below to find out if you are eligible to participate in the Heart Health program.

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